Physically simulated pixels
30 Jul 2017 | noita simulation gameDevWhat happens when you mix three great tastes like: Roguelikes, Pixel Art and Physics Simulation? A game called Noita is born!
This pixel art roguelike is built on a custom engine called “Falling Everything”. This engine allows the physical simulation of ALL pixels in the game accordinging to a set of chemical and physical properties. If you look at the trailer you see gases, liquids (different liquids with different properties), particles, sand stuff, rigid body and projectile. The whole game is procedural and all of its environment is simulated.
I like how the devs answer when asked the following question about their engine: How are you able to simulate so much stuff?
We’re using our own Falling Everything engine. Falling Everything Engine is an in-house labor of love. A true love child. Handcrafted in the finest C++ without exceptions, using only hand picked, organic, free license libraries.
Be sure to check the the release date of that game which should happen somewhere in 201X (how precise)!