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Tech, Games and Whisky

The Sebr's Blog

Pixel Art


During the last few years I got really fond of Pixel Art. My SNES roots are speaking through this craze. I want to design a game since forever with that aesthetic. I even bought all the packages from Oryx Design Lab. These bundles of assets (especially the 16 bits one) are really nice. Now if I could only start coding that game…

Tutorial in Pixel Art

I thought at some point I could even draw some Pixel Art! This guy has some SUPER good and illustrated tutorials. Really some of the best informative stuff about 2D drawing I have seen. The latest one is about details in “dungeon ruins”.


Amazing how this picture can carry all that information.

Goya is immutable

I even found a nice Pixel Art editor called Goya.


I stumbled upon this when doing research on und/redo and immutable data structure. This software is a nice piece of tech that uses Om a ClosureScript interface to React. I am still not sure I like fully immutable code. Or that I like ClosureScript syntax for that matter. But the editor itself is really well built.

Needless to say I never drew anything worthwhile.