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Tech, Games and Whisky

The Sebr's Blog

For a few more postmortems


I made clear that I LOVE to consume games postmortems. Recently I found this incredibly interesting list of 10 seminal game postmortems on GamaSutra. And this list is the real deal! All those postmortems are in a written format (no video). And they make for a fine coffee break read if you are currently in vacation like me.

You will find postmortems for these games: original Deus Ex, System Shock 2, Diablo II (that one goes hand to hand with the original Diablo GDC postmortem), Thief, Baldur’s Gate, Myth, Unreal Tournament, Age of Empires II, Rainbow 6 and Black and White.

And if this is not enough, GamaSutra has built a HUGE list of all the postmortems they ever presented.