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Tech, Games and Whisky

The Sebr's Blog

The last game I make before I die


My last post was about games post mortems. Today I watched the most touching of all post mortems: The Last Game I Make Before I Die. This is a talk by Samuel Coster, one of the three Coster brothers who worked on the great Crashlands.

Samuel got diagnosed with cancer and decided to spend his supposed to be last days working on a game he would like rather than a boring endless runner to pay the bills. The talk is about life and how you should cherish it. It is about death and how it makes everything that you love in life clearer and crisper when you have an expiration date. It is about how tough it is to make games. Especially dying for a game.

The SUPER good news is that Samuel health seems to have improve tremendously thanks to 3 series of chemo treaments. Go ahead and play Crashlands!
