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Tech, Games and Whisky

The Sebr's Blog

Pixel Art Scaling


Over the past few weeks I used PhaserJS, the great 2D Web Game Engine to prototype a game using pixel art graphics from Oryx Ultimate Fantasy Tileset.

All the sprites in the tile set are super nice and evocative. But they are small:


48x48 pixels small to be precise!

Being the power user artist that I am, I decided to scale a bunch of the sprites using Paint.Net. Little did I know I ended up with this (400% scaling):


Hum. Blurry and ugly. Where did I go wrong? Then I noticed the resize tool has multiple algorithm settings:


How come we get these result with a setting called: Better quality? I started hunting more information on what are the best ways of scaling Pixel Art. And down the rabbit’s hole we go! Scaling those lovely pixels is a science into itself. Lots of progress have been made to accomodate all the new Fantasy consoles or old school console emulators.

This article highlight all the most important Pixel art scaling algorithms. Most of these algorithms are made to be applied to a whole game frame and make it look good on today’s display or TV. This article showcases some of the most effective algorithms and shows the result of applying those filters on a Super Mario Bros image!

I wanted to see for myself and found a way to test what would be the best algo to use on the Red Demon sprite. I found this nice Image Resizer tool that supports ALL scaling algorithms you can dream of. If you are a real artists you could use a more powerful tool like Photoshop or Gimp. But I like the fact that Image Resizer is totally dedicated to resizing:


The most well known and truly pixel art effective algorithm is Nearest Neighboor. Basically, one pixel becomes 4. Or more. This gives a totally legit pixel art look. But it can lead to image with lots of “stairs artifacts”:


Some more advanced algorithms try to smooth pixels a bit. Here is what Lanczos resampling look like:


Good but too blurry. Another well known algo is Eagle (and Super Eagle):


This is better but the wings are looking funny. Let’s try another algo that has a great reputation: HQx


This is getting better but the wings are blurry. Can we do better? Here is the result with XBR:


Wow this is truly nice. It doesn’t look like Pixel Art anymore but it really produce a nicely scaled image.