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Tech, Games and Whisky

The Sebr's Blog

Iron Oath


While searching on twitter for great pixel art, I found this up coming game that is finalizing its kickstarter campaign: The Iron Oath by Curious Panda Games.

The game itself looks really good as it is a mix of tactical rpg a la Darkest Dungeon with some great pixel art:

The kickstarter campaign can be found here. there is only 3 days to go so make a choice quickly!

The team behind this game is super small: one dev, one artist and one sound designer. The artist (sennin) was featured recently on IndieDb for tutorial on how to draw and animate characters in a pixel art game. The tutorial itself is great and full of nicely animated pixels :) I espcially liked the different steps in how to make a character come to life:

You can watch a timelapse video of how the character came to be:


I like how the team puts a lots of info on how their game is being created. They have setup a tumblr that is full of art, clips and info about the game. There is even a developer blog where the team answers questions.