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A few months ago we watched a presentation on an intriguing and VERY experimental tech being developed at Facebook: the goal of this tech was to pre-compiled javascript to make it faster for initial evaluation.

Turns out this isn’t experimental research anymore! This great post showcase how Prepack can be used to dramatically speed up javascript.

Prepack uses the AST produced by Babel to optimize patterns and make a lot of “compile time” computations (and elimination) of code. This means the resulting javascript is lighter and thus faster to evaluate.

Some examples:

(function () {
  function hello() { return 'hello'; }
  function world() { return 'world'; }
  global.s = hello() + ' ' + world();

turns into this:

(function () {
  s = "hello world";

The classic Fibonacci function:

(function () {
  function fibonacci(x) {
    return x <= 1 ? x : fibonacci(x - 1) + fibonacci(x - 2);
  global.x = fibonacci(23);

Turns into this constant thanks to unrolling of recursion:

(function () {
  x = 28657;

Where we will see a lot of speed improvements are on module initialization. One such example would be:

(function () {
  let moduleTable = {};
  function define(id, f) { moduleTable[id] = f; }
  function require(id) {
    let x = moduleTable[id];
    return x instanceof Function ? (moduleTable[id] = x()) : x;
  global.require = require;
  define("one", function() { return 1; });
  define("two", function() { return require("one") + require("one"); });
  define("three", function() { return require("two") + require("one"); });
  define("four", function() { return require("three") + require("one"); });
three = require("three");

Which would be reduced to:

(function () {
  function _2() {
    return 3 + 1;

  var _1 = {
    one: 1,
    two: 2,
    three: 3,
    four: _2

  function _0(id) {
    let x = _1[id];
    return x instanceof Function ? _1[id] = x() : x;

  require = _0;
  three = 3;

Lots more improvements are coming up in the next months. This technology could truly revolutionize web app performance.