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The Sebr's Blog

Alter Ego


I like both American style comic books and European graphic novels. One of the more interesting graphic novels I read in a long time is the Alter Ego series.

alter ego

It is a kind of urban sci-fi series with great art style and a great story that I can’t talk about because I do not want to spoil ANYTHING about it since the whole premise of these books is that you can read the first 6 episodes in ANY order! And then you read the last one.


Some book will tell you more about the main plot while in others the main characters are only peripheral to the crux of the story. Depending on the order you read the books, a sort of “alternative narrative” happens. You won’t have the same story than any of your friends who have read the books in a different order! It will make your experience unique in that regard. It is rare to have books being so “chaotic” in terms of storytelling.