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Tech, Games and Whisky

The Sebr's Blog

My favorite Markdown editor


In my first ever blog post I said that my only requirements for blog publishing technology/hosting must be that it needed to support Markdown. At work, we write most of our documentation and wiki posts using that markup language. Up to a few weeks I used to write markdown document either in a plain boring text editor like Sublime or in my Javascript coding IDE Webstorm (with the awful markdown plugin). I also used Haroopad a lot which is a good single document editor with a preview that works quite well.

But for the blog, I really wanted to have an editor that would support a “project view” of all the posts. And then I discovered that Vs Code has a markdown preview built in (invoke it with Ctrl + K, V):


The preview is great. Synchronization between the edited text and the preview works well. And the syntax highlighting is good as well. All that and I also get to work with my new editor of choice and benefit from its wealth of plugins (see our Stingray Lua debugger for VsCode!).