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Tech, Games and Whisky

The Sebr's Blog

Stingray Walkthrough


I have been working on the Stingray Game Engine for the past few years. For the small history, at the beginning there was a small company called Bitsquid. This company founded by Tobias Persson (not the hockey player nor the comedian) and Niklas Frykholm created a very lean and efficient game engine called Bitsquid. This game engine got bought by Autodesk and was rebranded as Stingray.


I joined at some point and start working on the new editor. But this is for another story. The matter at hand is that Tobias and Niklas have decided to leave Stingray to create their own new shiny (and hopefully interactive) thing:

I was really lucky to work with them for the past few years and I learned tremendously from them. Their wealth of knowledge, of experience and opinions (especially Tobias) is almost infinite.

But before they left us, they gave us the gift of knowledge:

The Stingray Walkthrough of Doom

Niklas went balls out with a 25-part video series! It covers everything about the engine. From reading configuration value to compiling resources and everything in between.


Tobias was a little bit more low key but covered all the shiny rendering details with its 10 (ish) parts blog series.